Monica FerrerApr 7, 20181 min readCHAPTER 11: IDENTITY (BLOG #11)When I read this chapter from the Bedford Book of Genres, I really liked how it first established how everyone has their own identity....
Monica FerrerMar 26, 20181 min readMY EXPERIENCE WITH PROJECT 2 (Blog #10) Writing my project two was very challenging for me. When I started, I felt like this would be an easy project for me, but as I really got...
Monica FerrerMar 1, 20181 min readMY INTERVIEW (Blog #8)Last weekend I went to conduct one of my interviews at Mellow Mushroom. I went to the restaurant and asked my waitress about what kinds...
Monica FerrerFeb 13, 20181 min readEXPLORING TOPICS AND CREATING A RESEARCH PROPOSAL (Blog #7)For the reading, I decided to read chapter 5 from the textbook. I decided to read this chapter because it is the one that related the...
Monica FerrerFeb 5, 20181 min readCONSIDER THE LOBSTER (Blog #6)"Consider the Lobster" by David Foster Wallace is a feature article from a food magazine. The main idea of this piece is to describe and...
Monica FerrerFeb 1, 20181 min readIDENTITY (Blog #5)In chapter 11, the book discussed the importance of sticking to your own identity when writing. I believe it is important to know who you...
Monica FerrerJan 25, 20181 min readREVISING AND REMIXING YOUR WORK (Blog #4)In chapter 9 of The Bedford Book of Genres, you read about the importance of the revision process when creating a piece of writing. I...
Monica FerrerJan 23, 20181 min readSHITTY FIRST DRAFTS (Blog #3)I really enjoyed reading Anne Lamott's "Shitty First Drafts." I think that everyone can find this piece relatable, because everyone has...
Monica FerrerJan 15, 20181 min readI ONCE WAS MISS AMERICA (Blog #2)Upon reading I Once Was Miss America I immediately found myself relating to Roxanne Gay. I found that the piece was written to show how...
Monica FerrerJan 9, 20181 min readUNDERSTANDING GENRES (Blog #1)Genre: essentially a composition’s category. Genres are used to organize pieces of work into categories, which are dependent on their...